Body Type Calculator

Body Type Calculator is designed for females to find their “body shape,” which can be used for getting targeted outfit ideas.

Our Body Type Calculator is a tool designed to help females find their body shape, which can be used to get targeted outfit ideas. This calculator uses inches as the size unit and requires four measurements: bust size, waist size, high hip size, and hip size. With these measurements, the calculator can determine which of the four main body shapes a person falls into.

The first body shape is the Apple or inverted triangle. This body shape describes a person with broader shoulders and a larger bust than the hips. A larger upper body and a smaller lower body characterize this shape. Women with this body shape may need to pay more attention to their lower body when choosing outfits.

The second body shape is the Banana, straight or rectangle. This body shape describes a person who typically has waist measurements less than 9 inches smaller than their hip or bust measurements. This shape is characterized by a more balanced upper and lower body, with no clear defining features. Women with this body shape may find that they can wear various styles and cuts of clothing.

The third body shape is the Pear, spoon, bell, or triangle. This body shape describes a person with hip measurements greater than bust measurements. A larger lower body and a smaller upper body characterize this shape. Women with this body shape may need to pay more attention to their upper body when choosing outfits.

The fourth and final body shape is the Hourglass, X shape, triangles opposing or facing inwards. This body shape is typically presented as the “ideal” and describes a person with hip and bust measurements nearly equal in size, with a narrower waist measurement. This shape is characterized by a well-defined waist and a balanced upper and lower body. Women with this body shape may find that they can wear various styles and cuts of clothing.

Overall, the Body Type Calculator is useful for women to determine their body shape and find targeted outfit ideas. By understanding which body shape they fall into, women can better understand what styles and cuts of clothing will look best on them. With this knowledge, they can feel more confident and comfortable in their clothing choices.